
Mortal Kombat: Lin Kuei Beginnings Ch2

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Mortal Kombat: Lin Kuei Beginnings

By: Miss-DNL
Chapter 2: Another Newcomer

It was over a year later after Tomas Vrbada had been dropped off at the Lin Kuei headquarters in China, and the sun was just about to rise over the horizon. The young Czech assassin to be yawned and sat up rubbing one of his eyes. A bolt of pain shot through his left shoulder forcing him to bite back a yelp of pain as he snapped his eyes shut, ‘The Lin Kuei show no weakness.’ He repeated over and over in his head until the pain subsided. Shaking it off he looked at his arm, it had only been a year and he’d already fractured a bone during training yesterday.

His Sifu Bao-Zhi had a couple of older trainees come ‘spar’ with them. By now Tomas was used to the rough treatment and took it as came. His friend Kuai Liang had it easier due to his vaster experience and his ice power. Tomas had better control of his ability to turn into smoke but still had trouble doing it at will and controlling where he’d manifest or even go after turning into smoke. He did, however, learn that he had some heat related abilities.

Looking over to Kuai Liang he saw his friend was still asleep. Even though he’d asked to be his friend on the first day the two had indeed grown to be good friends, partly due to the fact they were forced to deal with each other but they did get along. Kuai Liang had taught him a good deal of both Chinese and English and Tomas had taught him some Czech in return. The younger half Cryomancer helped him deal with the rough and harsh adjustments to being in the Lin Kuei. Some of it had been hard to swallow, mainly what he was being trained for, but eventually everything just became everyday life. Considering he didn’t remember anything about his original life the Lin Kuei had quickly become his home.

Getting a devious idea a wide smirk slid its way across Tomas’s face, rubbing his slightly tanned hands together he generated an abnormal amount of heat. Maintaining the heat on his uninjured arm’s hand he poised himself to give his friend a rude awakening. With a swift motion he smacked Kuai Liang on the back, the heat on his hand gave the half Cryomancer a jolt causing him to give startled cry. Enjoying the reaction from his bewildered friend Tomas snickered to himself with a big grin on his face, “Good morning to you too.”

Kuai Liang growled irately looking at his roommate, “Tomas….”

Still baring his grin and snickering Tomas says, “What? Can you not take a joke my přítel? Did you wake up on wrong side of bed?” He teased playfully his Czech accent still heavy on his voice. Though it had been a year Tomas’s Chinese and English was still clunky but vastly improved than what it had been, especially his Chinese.

“More like someone rudely woke me up….” Kuai Liang muttered in a grumpy manner before taking a swipe at Tomas who pulled back out of the way still snickering to himself. Sighing his irritation away a smile tugged at his lips.

As time passed Tomas’s personality became apparent to him; he was friendly and loved to joke around with Kuai Liang when anyone besides Bi-Han wasn’t looking. Tomas had adjusted to the Lin Kuei mold but hadn’t truly given himself up to it. He behaved in front of the masters to please them and that was it. This was something that had vaguely rubbed off on Kuai Liang, when they were alone, or with his brother, the younger half Cryomancer felt he could relax a bit. His older brother Bi-Han didn’t seem compelled to correct their behavior and just seemed to ignore it but occasionally he’d shoot a joke back to them.

“Ah, you see I woke up before you for once my přítel. I could not just let that go to waste!” Tomas explained with a proud smirk on his face as he pointed to himself.

Kuai Liang realizing what he said was true chuckled slightly, “Well, that is a first. So, I guess I can’t really blame you.” He gave his friend a pat on the back using his power to create patch of ice while he patted him.

The sudden cold sensation caused Tomas’s eyes to widen and he jumped up, “Cold! Zima! Je to tak studená!” He cried slipping into his native language as he danced about trying to get the ice off of his back, but vainly so.

The young half Cryomancer watched his friend dance about, pleased with the result, “Didn’t say I couldn’t get you back for it though.” He taunted passively knowing Tomas wasn’t exactly paying attention to him at the moment. Blinking he noticed something shift behind him, this caused a confused expression to come onto his face. Realizing what was about to happen he ducked out of the way as a pillow rocketed across the room hitting Tomas directly on the back of the head.

Shut-up! I’m trying to sleep!” A very annoyed Bi-Han roared from his bed mat.

“Au, proč jsi dokonce tady právě teď?” Tomas muttered in Czech while his face was on the floor since Bi-Han wasn’t good at understanding it.

Kuai Liang, managing to make out and decipher what his friend said, asked his brother, “Why are you here Bi-Han? Usually you’re out training by now.” He pointed out as he removed the ice from his friends back before tossing his brother’s pillow back to him.

Catching it Bi-Han grunted and flopped back onto his bed, “I started a new part of my training, I was up for most of the night. Only got back a couple hours ago, so keep it quiet.” He grumbled before rolling over and falling back asleep a couple moments later.

Getting to his feet and taking out his training uniform, Kuai Liang looked back to his brother. Only two more years before he’d get his first real mission. If he was successful, Bi-Han would get his code name making him a full-fledged member of the Lin Kuei. Soon though his brother would be going out on practice missions, aka grunt work. This included stealing items, or assisting older member’s with their missions or even playing secret bodyguard. Whatever the Lin Kuei was hired to do that they felt was a waste of their warriors’ time was dumped onto older trainees; more often than not it was theft of petty items.

Still, getting the chance to leave the headquarters’ grounds was enough to envy senior trainees. Until permitted other trainees weren’t allowed to leave the grounds. They were too flight risky for the Grandmaster to be comfortable with.

Once Tomas was ready to go, after a bit of help to get dressed with his injured arm, the two headed out to meet up with their Sifu. Tomas glanced back to the room the three of them shared, “So. How long do you think they will let him rest?” He questioned lightly not expecting positive answer.

“At the most two more hours.” Kuai Liang answered, Tomas snorted figuring as much, “Now that he’s almost done with his training their going to hit him with everything they’ve got.”

Tomas chuckled shaking his head, “Suppose there is a downside to everything?” He questioned trying to leave his friend a light hint that being the favorite wasn’t always best. The Czech trainee frowned when Kuai Liang went silent. He withheld a sigh, it was best to not pursue that topic but his friend would have to get over his envy someday.

Later at the front entrance, a new recruit was being brought in to be accepted by the clan, the Asian Searcher who found him at his side. This one was a South African Botswana boy who bore the name Tabansi. Previously he had been kidnapped for a similar purpose; though one was a secret group who trained other boys like him to fight for their leader, the purpose of him being taken was the same. Both groups aimed to train him to kill. Looking around he had to admit though, the living conditions were far better than the ones he had previously been in.

Tabansi was brought before elder masters in the Lin Kuei, the Searcher who he only knew by his code name, Black Bird, explained how he came about him and why he chose him. The group Tabansi had been kidnapped by were under attack by another group. Everywhere people were dying, Tabansi managed to escape before being slaughtered; the others had been too scared or too weak to escape. One of his captors, injured, attempted to stop him from escaping out of spite. Determined to survive Tabansi took up a dagger and managed to kill him. Covered in blood and still holding the dagger he escaped before running into Black Bird. With promise of being taken far away from the horrible place Tabansi accepted the offer to join the Lin Kuei.

“What is his state of family affairs?” One elder asked in Chinese to keep the conversation private, he looked to the Botswana boy who was currently kneeling. Even if he did have family left they weren’t about to let him leave.

“I’ve looked into it, his family is not alive, they were killed. He is already aware of this. They died before his eyes." Black Bird answered with a quick half bow to his superiors.

“Good, that makes things much easier for us.” The Elder said. Afterwards they briefly tested Tabansi’s skills and, finding him suitable, he was taken into the clan. Having skill fitting for his age they had Black Bird ready him, show him his room and give him his training uniform. Before he knew it, Tabansi was taken to his training group.

With everything going so quickly Tabansi stood there for a while not knowing what to really do. He decided to just stand there until someone gave him instruction. His head swam with everything that had happened to him in the last couple of days. He’d survived the massacre of the people who had killed his family and kidnapped him, killed one of the people who had tormented him and then picked up by a ninja and was then taken in by his clan.

“Who are you?”

Tabansi blinked back to reality; he’d been so wrapped up in his thoughts he didn’t notice another trainee come up to him. He was a Chinese teen possibly a year older than him; his eyes were sharp and cold for his age making his appearance an unwelcoming one. Gathering himself he answered in English, something taught to him by his former captors, “I’m Tabansi….I was brought here….” He was going to continue but the boy cut him off.

“You were taken into the clan I know that. I just asked who you are, nothing more.” Tabansi frowned, judging by his tone he knew it was going to be difficult to put up with this teen. He blinked his dark brown eyes when the other trainee motioned for him to follow, “Instead of standing there you should be readying for training. It’ll start in a moment.” He lead the newcomer over to where the others were warming up, readying for their training.

“And you are?” Tabansi questioned, though his gut told him he’d regret asking.

“I am Zhìxin.” The other trainee answered as he started practicing his moves. He noticed the uncertainty in Tabansi and gave him a reprimanding look, “You should be honored to have been chosen to join our clan. There is none greater in the world, the Lin Kuei have the fiercest warriors in this world.”

Zhìxin’s words didn’t exactly seem to reach Tabansi who said nothing to his speech. He was still mixed up about being taken to a new place to be trained to do the same thing his previous captors wanted. So far killing seemed to be his fated role in life and he wasn’t sure what to make of it. Suddenly a thought occurred to him, he looked to Zhìxin, “Why are you here?”

The older trainee gave him a questioning look before he chuckled amusedly, “You believe I was brought here? No. I was born here. I’m the Grandmaster’s son.” Zhìxin answered with an arrogant and clearly condescending grin on his face.

With that Tabansi knew that having training sessions with this guy around was not going to be easy. Almost thankfully, the training started soon after. If it was at all possible, the training was tougher than his training in the other group, but he managed through it. His teacher had him spar with a few of the other Xuéshēng. Tabansi managed to win two of the three fights, but not without injury. His wrist was sprained and he had plenty of bruises. When it was all through, he followed the others to get some food.

Along the way he spotted a strange boy with silver hair that seemingly floated in a breeze when there was none, he pointed and asked Zhìxin, “Who’s that?”

Zhìxin followed his gesture and gets an irate expression on his face, “That’s Tomas, the one next to him is his keeper Kuai Liang…their two of the three freaks in the Lin Kuei.” He spat bitterly as he headed off in the other direction, not wanting to look at the two further.

Tabansi furrowed his brows, he could see why Tomas was odd but Kuai Liang looked normal to him, “Why’s Kuai Liang a freak? He seems normal enough…” He asked following after the Grandmaster’s son. He paused, “Wait three? Where’s the other ‘freak’?”

With a frustrated and annoyed sigh, Zhìxin turns back to the newcomer and answers his questions, “Kuai Liang is able to command ice, he has an older brother but he gets special training. Before you ask Tomas is able to turn into smoke. Since they’re freaks they get trained separately from the rest of us.” With the questions answered Zhìxin turned and walked away, “If I were you I’d have nothing to do with them.”

It was very easy to tell the Grandmaster’s son had something against the three ‘freaks’ as he called them. Even though he could think of no reason Zhìxin would lie about them having special abilities he still found it hard to believe. Deciding to leave it be for now Tabansi shook his head and began leave for his room to eat in peace, until,

“Hey, you new guy around here?” Tabansi, confused, looked and saw Tomas heading over to him with Kuai Liang in tow.

“Yes I am…” Tabansi answered unsurely, neither of them seemed to be out to threaten him and even with Kuai Liang’s even expression both seemed more welcoming than Zhìxin did.

“I’m sorry about us bothering you,” Kuai Liang apologized noticing Tabansi’s clear confusion, “Tomas, here insisted on introducing ourselves. I’m Kuai Liang, this is Tomas Vrbada.” He introduced gesturing to himself and then to his Czech friend who gave a slight wave to the new comer.

Tabansi look from one to the other warily, “I know who you guys are…” Both of the two special powered trainees looked at him questioningly wondering how this was so he explained, “I asked Zhìxin and he told me…”

“He did, did he?” Kuai Liang answered looking to where the Grandmaster’s son went. He looked back to Tabansi who seemed a bit unsure about the two, despite him being older and bigger than them. “I’m sure you can tell what he thinks of us.”

“Yes…he doesn’t seem to like you much.” Tabansi answered, it was odd to him how Kuai Liang spoke so maturely.

“That is putting it lightly.” Tomas commented looking amused.

Kuai Liang looked the African over for a moment, “And what do you think? If you agree with him that’s fine, just be honest with us and we’ll leave you be.” He questioned seriously, Tomas looked from his friend then back to the newcomer waiting for his answer. Though Kuai Liang was younger than him he was the leader of the two and Tomas respected the decisions made…when he needed to.

For a moment Tabansi was taken aback by the question, but thinking honestly for a moment he couldn’t agree with Zhìxin. Though it wasn’t really a hard decision to make. He shook his head, “No I don’t. I don’t know either of you enough to say anything really.” Hearing his decision Tomas smiled brightly and Kuai Liang nodded acceptingly. The two of them were defiantly friendlier than Zhìxin.

“It’s good to hear that.” Kuai Liang replied normally. He and the Grandmaster’s son, though often weren’t around each other, were not on good terms. This was not openly displayed though due to the fact clan members were not allowed to turn on each other. It was still well known, however, mainly through comments Zhìxin made. Thankfully both of them trained separately, something they both were happy with. Tomas found Zhìxin’s dislike both amusing and annoying.

“Would you like to come with us?” Tomas asked gesturing outside the eating hall; he looked at the commotion around them, “We know quieter place.”

Tabansi sighed tiredly and nodded, “Quiet sounds good to me.” The two special powered trainees led him outside the food hall and to their area in the warrior’s compound. Outside there was a slight cool breeze helping the newcomer relax and take in what happened to him. He looked at his food; he still wasn’t sure what to make of it. He was in a clan of ninja to be trained as an assassin. Turning his head he saw the two other trainees sitting next to him, curiosity momentarily over powered his worries, “Is it true?” He questioned grabbing their attention, “That you two have powers?”

Tomas grinned and looked to Kuai Liang, who put down his food tray and held up a hand, tensing it he caused ice to seemingly emerge from his skin, coating it with a layer of ice. Tabansi eyes widened in surprise. So it was true, they did have powers! He’d never seen anything like it, things like this only existed in fiction and yet here he was sitting next to a person with power over ice!

“I can’t do much with it yet, I’m still learning to control it. My brother Bi-Han has much more control over this ability. I’m sure Zhìxin told you about him?” Kuai Liang asked as he flexed his ice coated hand to demonstrate it could still move normally.

“He did,” Tabansi answered with a nod as he watched the ice covered hand behave normally like the ice was a second skin. He blinked his brown eyes and looked up, “What about Tomas can-” He was cut off when Tomas grinned deviously and vanished into smoke. Staring he felt something poke him on the shoulder, turning his head he was startled to see him form right behind him. As Tomas snickered to himself Tabansi rubbed his forehead, “I asked for that.”

Joking aside Tabansi looked at them with a more serious expression, “I want to ask you both something. What do you think of it? Think of being trained to kill. I’ve gone from one group to another in the last couple of days and the same thing is still being asked of me.”

Tomas and Kuai Liang looked at each other. They both understood his worry, it was a phase every newcomer went through, every young member anyway. Kuai Liang sighed and leaned back a bit, “I’ve been here all of my life. The Lin Kuei has been my home and my family. I will do what’s asked of me when the time comes.”

“I am from Czech.” Tomas started, “But I do not remember life before the Lin Kuei. I cannot return to Czech. I do not know if there is a life left for me there. So I must stay here. I am still adjusting, but I have time to get ready. So I do not worry. This is my life now.” He said calmly, Tomas knew the confusion and worry Tabansi was going through. He felt it too after the first day of joining the Lin Kuei but with Kuai Liang’s help he was able to adjust. Every so often Tomas found himself questioning what he was doing but he knew he had no other choice and moved on.

Tabansi looked down solemnly, “I know I don’t have anything to go back to.” He cringed remembering the sight of his family being killed before him. Tabansi was much younger then and unable to do anything but just watch. He swallowed what felt like a stone in his throat, “I guess I just have to keep moving forward…”

Tomas looked to Kuai Liang who nodded and the Czech turned back to Tabansi putting a hand on his shoulder, “We will help you through it. It will get easier the longer you are here. Okay?” He said reassuringly while gently shaking his shoulders.

The African looked to them and gave a slight nod, “Thanks, that’s good to know.” Tomas smiled to him before they each went back to eating in relative silence.

With that a trio was formed and they were all about to set out on an arduous journey that was set before them. Their freewill would all be tested, but a darker shadow was getting ready to loom down on Earthrealm. Soon they’d have to choose to fight for the greater good or fall to their Master’s plan that was beginning to form.

Update: And done :3 now all the characters have been introduced :3

With that. The last two Lin Kuei ninjas are introduced.
Tabansi is Cyrax, unlike the others his real name is never given so I gave him one. Tabansi means "he who endures" in African 
Zhìxin is Sektor, who oddly also didn't have a real given name, his name means "A man of ambition"

I gave Cyrax more of a back story and sticking with the main theme as per usual it has tragedy in it. Him being a person with his family killed and him kidnapped to work for said organization which is then killed of itself :T Cyrax never really had personalty outside being against the cyber initiative or being a cyborg =w=; so he'll be changed the most probably 

Couldn't help it XD I had to jump right into the next chapter last night, got a page done then passed out on my bed XD
we see how Tomas has adjusted and how his friendship with Kuai Ling is going :D
still pondering a name for this :T

First: Mortal Kombat: Lin Kuei Beginnings Prologue

Previous:Mortal Kombat: Lin Kuei Beginnings Ch1

Next: Mortal Kombat: Lin Kuei Beginnings Ch3

Mortal Kombat-Midway & Neartherealm stuidos

Proof Reading::iconrenagaderexrider:

© 2014 - 2024 Miss-DNL
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RenagadeRexRider's avatar

Ohh~ Cryptic~
:lol:i'm excited